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A black silhouette portraying Stephen Hawking seated in his wheelchair, gazing up at the stars.

Delivering the data to find a cure—a gift to the world on Stephen Hawking’s birthday

Case Study


Answer ALS is a non-profit research organization. They arm ALS scientists with the data they need to find potential cures. They asked GALE to launch their critical new data portal to provide free access to the most comprehensive clinical, genetic, molecular, and biochemical assessment of ALS in history.


To catch researchers attention we launched on January 8, 2021 - which would have been Stephen Hawking’s 79th birthday. We created a moving social film and display ads celebrating his life’s accomplishments and positioned the data portal as a gift in his honor. In the first few months, the campaign achieved over 79MM impressions beating an original objective of just 7.4MM.

ALS video








A picture of Stephen Hawking on his wheelchair, with a nighttime starry sky, and text that says "Defy the Odds, Defy ALS, Get free access to the most comprehensive data ALS research effort in history".
A "New York Times" headline at the top with the rest of the articles depicted in gray boxes of various sizes, resembling an actual newspaper layout.
The data is here

All communications lead to the web portal where scientists and researchers can learn about and download the actual data set.

A tablet displaying the ALS data portal website.