January 17, 2023

The Avengers Theory of Collaboration

Picture this: Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow and Hulk teaming up to take down their latest villain. Sound familiar? It should. This concept of working together has been popularized by the Avengers series for years – but did you know it’s more than just a Marvel superhero battle strategy? In marketing, this is called collaboration


A Business Agency

Picture this: Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow and Hulk teaming up to take down their latest villain. Sound familiar? It should. This concept of working together has been popularized by the Avengers series for years – but did you know it’s more than just a Marvel superhero battle strategy? In marketing, this is called collaboration.

On a recent episode of The One Club for Creativity’s “Morning Buzz,” GALE’S ECD Geoff Edwards and Executive Producer Tessa Banks argued the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration, ensuring diverse perspectives, skill sets, and perspectives are at the table, to ultimately influence and maximize creative outcomes.

“There’s no innovation without experimentation. And there’s no experimentation without collaboration,” shared the GALE executives.

While working together for a common goal can be difficult, mastering the art of collaboration is essential in any team setting. The keys to succeeding as a collaborative unit? Acting honestly, placing trust in the team, amplifying smaller voices in the room, engaging transparently, and taking accountability.

For more, watch Geoff and Tessa’s full "Morning Buzz" session here.